Major League Baseball Trip (1994)
Northern US States
Game 2, Inn 3

Quick trip to two replacement stadiums to see two "old style" ballparks with a modern feel. Both cities have also done major renovations to their entertainment districts. (Baltimore Harbor - Cleveland Flats (may not be available now). Both parks were sold out but the scalper prices were fairly good and the seat selections were terrific.

Funny how baseball changes your perspective in life. So many times we have returned to the cities and ballparks to enjoy the city and review the ballparks and attractions that are available. Here are two of them.

Cleveland Indians, Baltimore Orioles

July 30,1994 to Aug 01,1994

Map Baseball to Baltimore/Cleveland Driving from Toronto Baltimore Orioles - Camden Yard Major League Baseball Park Cleveland Indians - Jacobs Field Major League Baseball Park

Baltimore Orioles - July 30,1994
Cleveland Indians - Aug 1,1994

Follow us, Inning by Inning, Game by Game, as we continue to play ball! Next Inning - Game 2, Inn 4

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Factoid Baseball Credits: Geoffrey Ward & Ken Burns - Baseball, An Illustrated History; David Nemec - Great Baseball Feats, Facts and Firsts;