Fletcher Creek Trail

Mills River,Northern Carolina

Fletcher Creek Trail uses an old roadway up one of the foothills in Northern Carolina. For more detail visit this web site here.
A trail using an old road in North Carolina. Not for slim tires. I would consider this one of the hardest trips that I have taken, but you must remember that I am used to flat terrains. Although it is not as scenic it does give one the feeling of life in the foothills of North Carolina. Great overnight tent reststop close by.

Trail RatingTrail Rating
Fletcher Creek Trail area

John`s Recollections

Staying at the North Mills River Rec Area Campground was just as exciting as taking a short bike ride on Fletcher trail the next day. Setting up the tent and having a great meal beside the stream was quite relaxing. Found the trail markers difficult to find, and when found, I found the trail more difficult than I had imagined. However, when on top of the hill, the view was quite nice of the surrounding countryside. Quite close to the Smokey Mountains.
Southern Portion of Trail Pics

Trail is really a old road the requirement for low gears while seeing the North Carolina hillsides Until you reach the upper plateau or that is until you turn the corner Make sure your bike is attached securely

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