Mount Rushmore
State of South Dakota
The four figures carved in stone on Mount Rushmore represent the first 150 years of American history.
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John's Comments
The Black Hills area together with Mount Rushmore show America at it's best. A special place to view history and the current environment at the same time. As one walks thru the compound it seems strangely quiet as if to pay homage to the Presidents carved into the hillside. Four Presidents carved into the facing of a mountain, who appear to be looking over America. Grounds are immaculate and the surrounding area is fitting to house these individuals. Keystone which is just down at the bottom of the hill is also home to a good friend met on our long term winter vacation in Panama.
John`s Recollections
Inspirational! The first immpression is lasting as the entrance into the park shows the sculptures directly in front with a long walkway to the main viewing point. Truly a memorable moment and the noise level seems to be hushed to recognize the statues looking down on you.
John`s BLOG Comments
Mount Rushmore
Strange as it may seem, this place gave me a feeling of reverence. It could be the that the crowd there talked softly or that the past presidents took command and individuals respected their presence or it may of been the long entrance to a theatre type review of the Presidents looking over the audience. Whatever, it felt that this was the way it should be.
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