Drive - Colorado border to Moab
State of Utah

Not everything beautiful is in a National or State Park. Here the drive covers about 50 miles but it runs alongside the Colorado river and the views are breathtaking.

NOTE: Must Click play below for video clip - 57 seconds

John's Trip Comments
Just one of those right decisions. Take a shortcut to Moab and enjoy some scenery. Will never be forgotten as it was one of the most enjoyable 50 miles out of almost 12,000. There were thunderstorms in the area and the cloud formations together with the mountain colors and Colorado river, made for a special drive.

John's Personal Views
We were very fortunate, as it was not only the great scenery encountered on this trip, but also a sandstorm came very close to us just after leaving Interstate 70 on the way to Moab. An experience in itself, that has to experienced it to understand its` effects. Truly an area that brings back vivid impressions in one's mind.

John`s Recollections
Over five years later I still remember this drive as one of my favorites. Perhaps the weather had a part to play as thunderstorms were in the area, but even so the scenery was great, and the Colorado river had yet to gain the volume that was seen later in Arizona & California.

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